Trzeba jednak pamiętać, że trafienie do indeksu WIG20 jest też spowodowane wysoką wyceną danej spółki. Nieprzypadkowo potocznie mówi się o tym wskaźniku jako indeksie blue chip, […]
Like I’ve said, Vanguard is a very different brokerage from the others on this list. For long-term, risk-averse investors, Vanguard is a proven choice; for investors […]
They also help a veteran trader to get accustomed to something new. The broker’s educational page is a good resource for beginners and traders just starting. […]
Ally is a good choice for traders just starting out, and it offers more than 80 currency pairs and easy-to-use charting software, including a mobile app. […]
It forms an almost straight pole, then consolidates over a period of time. In the consolidation period, the stock price might rise or fall, but only […]